• Paul BoyerNeighbor

  • Andover, MA

As the owner of 3 Get In Shape For Women studios, including Andover, Hamilton and Georgetown, Paul has spent several years providing a supportive environment to help women develop a lifestyle of improved health and fitness. 

Paul's passion for fitness is built upon a transformation story of his own, having lost 80lbs. about 5 years ago. When Paul was at his highest weight, it was a tough reality to face, since he had been a part-time personal trainer in his 20's and "knew better." However this experience has allowed him to gain the wisdom and knowledge to know how hard it is when we get older, busier and responsible for others, keeping one's own health and fitness a priority.

Needless to say, Paul enjoys keeping himself healthy with consistent workouts, eatiing well, running, hiking, biking and participating in a variety of outdoor activities. In addition he enjoys experiencing with his family all of the wonderful farms, historic sites, museums, music and art available in the New England area.

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